Sexy B.A.Q Herstory

Sexy B.A.Q was born officially on April 13, 2018, however the vision for this brand came about three years ago! As you've read in the "what we believe," "what we don't believe," and the "social responsibility" sections on the home page; humanity and the enjoyment of the human experience is near and dear to our hearts! Love is our natural way and we're all trying to get back there, but it starts with SELF! The more we learn to love ourselves, the less pressure we have to put on others to pick up where we left off.

It seems as though everyone talks about love and wants to give it, but most people don't even know where to begin these days...Begin Within is what we like to say! I was, like many, always longing, searching, and trying for that "love." I started my self-love journey back in 2011, and it has been an evolution of much beauty! After realizing that no matter how much you try to love someone wholly your efforts are useless if you can't give that love to yourself! We show people how to love us by the way we love ourselves! 

One day I decided that I didn't want to keep waiting for someone else to buy me flowers or take me on dates, so I started to do it myself! After just a few months of solo dates and flower buying, I started to feel my power rising up within! I am a firm believer in self affirmation, positive self talk, and encouraging beings to live your truth out loud! Every morning I'd reassure myself with the writings on my mirror, of my goals, affirmations, and strengths! From a place of positivity, a continuous self-loveable journey, and many heart-breaks Sexy B.A.Q was born! I unlearned what I was told love was and relearned my worth, to have a vision that I hope will impact many! 

No matter what life throws at you, stand up, straighten your crown by your Sexy Bad. Ass. Queen. self and feel "glowious!"

Peace. Love. Blessings.

                                                 Queen G